El Centro Español de Investigación Farmacoepidemiológica (CEIFE) fue creado en 1994 como centro de investigación en Madrid. Su objetivo es la realización de estudios epidemiológicos de alta calidad sobre seguridad y efectividad de los medicamentos, utilizando bases de datos automatizadas. Las principales fuentes de información son cuatro bases de datos médicas: Clinical Practice Research Datalink y The Health Improvement Network, ambas en Gran Bretaña, Base de datos de BIFAP y Base de datos de Saskatchewan en Canadá. Otras fuentes de información con las que colaboramos para la realización de estudios son Bases de datos de Dinamarca, Bases de datos de Friuli-Venezia Giulia en Italia y la base de datos Audifarma en Colombia.
CEIFE colabora con la industria farmaceútica, autoridades sanitarias y otras universidades nacionales y extranjeras. Su personal está formado por 5 epidemiólogos y 1 analista de sistemas de información:
- Luis Alberto García Rodríguez, Director
- Ana Ruigómez Sánchez
- T. Lucía Cea Soriano
- Antonio González Pérez
- Mª Eugenia Sáez Goñi
- Oscar Fernández Cantero
Otros investigadores así como estudiantes de postgrado colaboran en determinados proyectos por periodos de tiempo indeterminado.

We are a partner centre of the ENCePP scientific network which is coordinated by the European Medicines Agency. We are dedicated to excellence in research by adhering to the ENCePP Guide on Methodological Standards and promoting scientific independence and transparency. We register studies in the ENCePP E-Register of Studies, a publicly accessible resource for the registration of pharmacoepidemiological and pharmacovigilance studies.
The Centro Español de Investigación Farmacoepidemiológica (Spanish Centre for Pharmacoepidemiologic Research) is a research unit created in 1994 in Madrid. Its mission is to provide high quality research on drug safety and effectiveness, by means of epidemiologic studies utilizing computerized databases. Four main sources of information are used: Clinical Practice Research Datalink and The Health Improvement Network, both in the UK, BIFAP Database in Madrid and Saskatchewan Database in Canada. Other sources of information we collaborate to perform studies are Databases in Denmark, Databases of Friuli-Venezia Giulia in Italy and the Audifarma database in Colombia.
CEIFE collaborates with industry, regulatory authorities and other universities at a national and international level. The staff includes five epidemiologists and one information systems analyst.
- Luis Alberto García Rodríguez, Director
- Ana Ruigómez Sánchez
- T. Lucía Cea Soriano
- Antonio González Pérez
- Mª Eugenia Sáez Goñi
- Oscar Fernández Cantero
Postgraduate students and other research collaborators spend varying periods of time on a project-specific basis.

We are a partner centre of the ENCePP scientific network which is coordinated by the European Medicines Agency. We are dedicated to excellence in research by adhering to the ENCePP Guide on Methodological Standards and promoting scientific independence and transparency. We register studies in the ENCePP E-Register of Studies, a publicly accessible resource for the registration of pharmacoepidemiological and pharmacovigilance studies.